Friday, November 28, 2008


The tongue is our most powerful weapon of manipulation. A
frantic stream of words flows from us because we are in a constant
process of adjusting our public image. We fear so deeply
what we think other people see in us that we talk in order to
straighten out their understanding. If I have done some wrong
thing (or even some right thing that I think you may misunderstand)
and discover that you know about it, I will be tempted
to help you understand my action.
Silence is one of the deepest disciplines of the Spirit, because it
puts the stopper on all self-justification. One of the fruits of
silence is the freedom to let God be our justifier. We don’t need
to straighten others out.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Have the patience and courage to begin anew each day, and
trust in God’s help; his mercy is new every morning. Then you will
understand that life is a matter of becoming or growing, and
that you must look forward to greater things. Even though you
stand in battle with dark powers, victory will be yours, since in
Christ every evil is overcome. You will always remain at the
beginning of your search, because you will continually change,
yet in faith you will find the fulfillment of all your longing.

Eberhard Arnold